The meaning behind the game :
The world never stops moving representing very well the fact that time doesn't stop to wait for us . A clock on the
background not only spins faster as you grow but also shrinks representing how closer to death we get with every
passing day , we are running out of time .The world also gets faster as you reach your teenage and adult years
since those years can be very agitated . In the teen stage you always have the option of going either one way or the
other representing how much choice is put in front of teenagers .Two kinds of life are represented on each side but
you can always go from one side to the other and no matter how you go about it the result is always the same , you
will become an adult and will enter the laboring world . At this point swimming is introduced and this swimming
takes place in pools full of money . Money suddenly becomes a part of everything we do and it doesn't matter how
much we don't like it we simply cant live without money . The pools are there to represent how easy it could be to
drawn in financial problems plus all the things that are going on at the same time during the adult years , like
keeping up with your job , getting married , what if children come , pay bills , pay the house ,pay the car ,pay pay
pay . Is very suffocating . Then comes the middle age man years , at this point the game starts moving slower , not
because life is getting easier on you but because you start seeing yourself limited , you are getting old , health
is getting bad and maybe you CAN do a lot of the things that you used to but it now takes extra effort . This
limitations are represented by blocks that you have to push out of the way sometimes even using them to reach a
certain place because you have to work around with your limitations . After this you simply reach a very old age in
which you can do as much as when you were a baby , just move left and right gameplay wise , and someone is actually
doing this for you since you are on a wheel chair . At this point you are not very far from dying so this is a very
short stage .Once you reach the final ladder you no longer have control over the character , the clock starts
spinning faster and backwards and you will start having flashbacks until you reach your tomb at which point the
clock stops , the screen stops ,your last memories fade away , is all over , you are dead .
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